A new companion for your visitors

A web app to create your audioguides

Start your free trial

Guidelia is the platform for your tours

  • Create content of your tour

    Create themes and link objects to them by adding titles, descriptions, pictures and audios.

  • Place the stops on your itinerary

    Place objects on your map and color code location markers based on their theme.

  • Publish and share your app

    Publish your web application. Create a QR code so that visitors can quickly access your content.

Discover Guidelia

Advantages of Guidelia for your tours

  • Independent management of your guided tours

  • Access your audioguide via a URL or a QR code

  • Designed for smartphones and tablets

  • Instant updateof your content

  • Autonomous management of your points of interest

  • Simplified daily logistics

We have created several applications and websites for museums in Belgium.