Why would you choose Guidelia rather than the development of a bespoke application?

Guidelia is a web application that you can access 24/7. You can create a tour at any moment and publish it immediatly in one click. You don't depend on a third party for the creation and management of your content. Unlike a bespoke application, you can edit or replace content without any aditionnal fees. You don't have to wait for distributors (Apple Store, Androis Market) approval. With Guidelia, your visitors stay informed of your latest updates!

How do you create a guided tour ?

Once you have created an account on Guidelia, you have access to the web application Guidelia Dashboard. You can then customize the account of your institution by adding your museum's logo, informations and create a guided tour. 

For each guided tour, you can create categories and objects linked to these categories. For each object you can add a title, text, images, audio and video content. You can then locate objects on your museum map to improve your visitors' visit.

Do I need programmation knowledge to create an audioguide?

Not at all! Guidelia is an intuitive and easy-to-use web application. If you are familiar with web application such as Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or other, creating audioguides will be a breeze.

How long does it take to create an audioguide?

It depends on the number of exhibitions and of objects/artworks you want to include in the audioguide. If you have gathered all the content (text and multimedia) related to an exhibition, a few hours will be enough.

Can I update and make changes to my audioguide once it is published ?

Yes. You can modify an audioguide at all times. If an artwork is not available to the visitors (on loan for example) you can easily deactivate it. Changes made to a guided tour are automatically synced with your visitors devices.

How do visitors access my audioguide?

You have two possibilities: you can either give the URL of your audioguide to the visitor, or you can display QR codes inside your museum that the visitor can scan with his smartphone or his tablet. The visitor will be directed to the homepage of your audioguide and can start his guided tour.

Can my audioguide be multilingual?

Yes. Guidelia is multilingual. For each tour, you can create and manage as many languages as you want.

I already have an audioguide, can I integrate it to Guidelia?

Yes. However you need to have all the content (texts, images, audio, videos) to integrate it to Guidelia. 

Are there any additional fees?

No. Monthly or annual fees (depending on the selected price plan) are the only cost. 

Who owns the copyright for my guided tour ?

The content of your guided tours (text, image, audio, video) belongs to you. However, the web application Guidelia remains the property of Typi Design.